'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

The archaeological excavations in San Casciano dei Bagni give us new sensational discoveries

"A context without equal in the ancient Mediterranean", so the archaeologist Jacopo Tabolli commented on the finds discovered thanks to the archaeological excavation near the Bagno Grande

About a year after the first discoveries, a new surprise for the archaeologists working in the spa town of the Valdichiana Senese. The sanctuary dedicated to Apollo, which came to light in August 2021, today turns out to have been of monumental dimensions. The Romans wanted to refound the sanctuary, of Etruscan origin, to include various sacred buildings, altars, swimming pools.

If the extension of the votive area is first of all surprising, the treasures found inside are no different. Over three thousand silver, orichalcum and bronze coins, all freshly minted from the Rome mint, which were presumably transported to San Casciano dei Bagni to honor the sacredness of the place and the divinities celebrated there.

But perhaps the most precious find is a bronze uterus, which dates back to the years between the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire. Homages of this kind, dedicated to the tutelary deities of fertility, were particularly frequent first in the Etruscan and then in the Roman world, but these artifacts were usually made of terracotta. The list is completed by an ear, a leg and a very rare penis, also in bronze.

The excavations are also returning the remains of a portico built in the 16th century by the Medici, who used to stay in San Casciano dei Bagni to take advantage of the beneficial properties of the local waters. The Florentine noble family then decided to move the thermal center to Fonteverde, where it is still located, about 2 km away from the excavation.

The rediscovered sanctuary will make the town in the Valdichiana Senese one of the leading destinations for all archeology lovers, thanks to a museum that will be set up in a sixteenth-century building in the historic center to house all the finds found in the excavation.

Such and many discoveries bear witness to the enduring influence of San Casciano dei Bagni, whose attractions fascinate today as they did two thousand years ago. Discover them together with Valdichiana Living, with our tours designed for daily experiences or for an entire weekend dedicated to thermal well-being.


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