'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

Information on Coronavirus in Tuscany

Answers to the most important questions for anyone travelling or planning to travel in Tuscany

Last update: 31 September 2022

What is the situation at the moment in Tuscany?

On March 31, 2022, the end of the state of emergency by COVID-19 was declared throughout Italy. From April 1, 2022, a series of provisions have been in force throughout the country to facilitate the return to the ordinary state. In Tuscany, the situation is constantly monitored in a capillary way and specific protocols are implemented in public places to ensure everyone’s health.

As of May 1, a green pass is no longer required to access activities and services.

As of October 1, the use of masks of any kind is no longer required on local, regional and interregional public transport and at all indoor sporting events and competitions. It is still recommended to wear respiratory protective equipment in all indoor public places or places open to the public.

Are the museums and attractions open?

Museums, cinemas, theatres and other cultural venues are open and operate according to specific guidelines. Restaurants, bars and pastry shops are also open to the public and carry out their service according to the relative protocols.

Are the region's access points open?

Ports, airports, stations and motorways are open and functioning.
As of June 1, 2022 a Green Pass or equivalent certificate is no longer required to enter Italy from EU Member States and other foreign countries.
For details on the regulations for entry into Italy, please visit the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation website and the Italian Ministry of Health website. Further useful information for travellers is available at Italia.it.

Using public transportation

Green pass and masks (of any kind) are no longer required on local, regional and interregional public transport, but wearing FFP2 masks is mandatory.
For up-to-date information, we recommend that you visit the Region’s official website with real-time updates on the public transport situation: regione.toscana.it/speciali/muoversi-in-toscana

What precautions has the Tuscany health system taken to protect residents and visitors?

The Tuscany Region ensures continuous reporting to the Italian and regional health authorities in order to provide constant updates regarding operational instructions and guidelines set out at a national level.

The situation is monitored constantly by the local health authorities that guarantee health controls in Tuscany through specific preventive measures. Daily disinfection of regional trains and all local public transport has been intensified. In Tuscany’s airports, public spaces are being sanitized on a regular basis and hand sanitizer dispensers are available across the terminals.

In Tuscany, you can take a Covid-19 test (rapid antigen and PCR tests) without a prescription on a payment basis at private clinics based on regional provisions.

In Tuscany, a protocol has been introduced for hotels, accommodation, restaurants and other companies in the tourism sector, which is aimed at guaranteeing the best safety conditions for Covid-19. In addition to the legal obligations and clearly displayed information, companies that participate in the #toscanapiusicura campaign pledge to inform clients about the services provided by the regional health system and all the additional precautions that the company has adopted to ensure a safe stay. Details about these measures and the services provided can be found here: https://www.toscanapiusicura.com/

Tuscany, like the rest of Italy, possesses one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the world. Tuscany guarantees to all non-Italians currently in the region the same healthcare that it offers to its citizens: universal, public and free to all.

Once I’m in Tuscany, who can I contact in case of emergency?

In Tuscany, you can get in touch with the health authorities by calling the 24/7 public freephone number set up by the Ministry of Health: 1500
For information, orientation and details about Covid-19:

● Azienda usl Toscana Centro 055 545454 press 1
● Azienda usl Toscana Nord Ovest 0585 498008
● Azienda usl Toscana Sud Est 800432525

If you are a Tour Operator and would like to receive information about the destination, write to contact@toscanapromozione.it.

Once in the Valdichiana Senese is it possible to take a serological test?

Yes, it is possible to do it at the Terme di Chianciano Lab. The cost of the exam is 25.00€. Reservations are required calling at 0578/68321 or by email at labterme@termechianciano.it.  The exam must be prescribed by your personal doctor and it is necessary to provide his/her email at the moment of the reservation in order to send him/her the results.

To carry out the examination it is necessary:
- not having had direct contact with people with Covid-19 infection in the past 14 days;
- not having had contact with people in quarantine in the last 14 days;
- Do not have and have not had, in the last 14 days, cough, breathing difficulties, fever above 37.5 ° C or flu syndrome.

Are the thermal baths of the Valdichiana Senese opened? 

Yes, the thermal bath of Valdichiana Senese (Terme di Montepulciano, Terme di Chianciano and Fonteverde Spa) are equipped with an internal medical facility and are therefore regularly open.

- The Terme di Montepulciano guarantee all services falling within the essential levels of assistance. All the info on www.termedimontepulciano.it
- The Terme di Chianciano Terme, on the basis of current regulations, guarantee the use of the following services and are therefore open: the "Sillene" establishment for thermal treatments (muds and therapeutic baths for arthrheumatic diseases, muds and baths for liver diseases, baths treatments for vascular diseases) rehabilitation and specialist visits; the “Acqua Santa” Park for hydropinic treatment, the Analysis laboratory for normal activity and for Covid-19 tests and swabs. The Sensory Hall and Theia Thermal Pools are temporarily closed. All the info on www.termechianciano.it
- Fonteverde Spa is regularly open with all active services. All the info on www.fonteverdespa.com

What should I do to ensure I have a safe trip?

- Here are some straightforward rules to help contain infection from Coronavirus;
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based gel;
- Avoid close contact with people, keeping a distance of at least 1.8 metres;
- Do not shake hands or hug until the emergency has subsided;
- Do not touch your mouth, eyes or/and nose with your hands;
- Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you sneeze or cough, or sneeze or cough into the inner fold of your elbow;
- If you have flu-like symptoms, do not go to the hospital emergency room or to a doctor’s surgery; call the freephone number 1500;
- Clean surfaces with chlorine- or alcohol-based disinfectants;
- Use face protection during all social contact;
- Do not share bottles and glasses, especially during exercising;
- Do not take antiviral medication or antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor;
- MADE IN CHINA products and packages from China are not hazardous;
- Pets do not spread the new Coronavirus. It is always good practice to wash your hands after being in contact with animals;

How can I stay updated as the situation develops?

Tuscany Region has activated a special section on its website where you can find all information and updates, from health ordinances to logistical changes: regione.toscana.it/-/coronavirusù
Check out the data and statistics related to the administration of vaccines in Italy on the Italian government website.
Legislative changes may occur suddenly due to the ongoing health emergency. This page will be updated constantly.


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