'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

Valdichiana Senese and Pienza: Where You Can Easily Get Inspired


Val di Chiana Senese has passed through different eras  over time, each one of which has left its indelible mark, both architecturally and artistically, in our territory. From the Etruscan and Roman times, from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, up to the Florentine and Napoleonic dominion, the heritage of this area has one thing in common: an outstanding beauty.

Despite technology and innovation have been increasingly prevailing over beauty in the last years, the beauty of Val di Chiana Siena and Val d’Orcia (recognized as UNESCO heritage) still make them two of the few areas where authenticity and change live in perfect harmony, and it is still possible to look for ” beauty”.

It is no coincidence that Alessandro Michele, a contemporary esthete, as well as the creative director of Gucci.

with his borderline aesthetics between Baroque and the pre-Raphaelite painting, has chosen Val di Chiana Senese as a source of inspiration. Such source includes the “Quadriga Infernale”,  i.e. the extraordinary Etruscan tomb found in Sarteano. In fact, on the occasion of the 59th Grammy Awards, pop star Santigold came up with a Gucci dress with a three-headed snake. The same snake that depicted in the tomb, embroidered on her chest.

Responsible for this success is certainly the group of archaeologists who, little more than ten years ago, brought to light the depictions on the tomb: a work that was carried on so perfectly that such depictions have immediately become symbols famous all over the world. At the same time, we cannot fail to mention the research work carried on by the designer; in fact, the brand, choosing the “Quadriga Infernale”, has become an ambassador of the beauty of Val di Chiana Senese and Sarteano all over the world.

Similarly, the authenticity of Val d’Orcia has not gone unnoticed at the editorial staff of Vogue Italia.

Few days ago devoted to this area an article, entitled “La Toscana Ideale [Ideal Tuscany]”. Without so many words, the author of the article celebrates the area as the “cradle of landscape culture”. Do not miss a trip from Bagno Vignoni to Pienza, passing through San Quirico and Montepulciano, immersed in a completely natural landscape. It owes its harmony to local people, who have shaped a breathtaking panorama. Here is the link to the article: https://www.vogue.it/news/notizie-del-giorno/2017/04/28/toscana-benessere-valdorcia-cultura/

Val di Chiana Senese and Val d’Orcia, therefore, are proving to be sources of beauty.
They are two areas from which you can start to revive and rediscover a heritage of unique value. At a time when anyone seeks to look ahead, neglecting the beauties of the past.


Art and Culture
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