'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

'EXVALSE', 'Operation/Project co-financed by the Tuscan Por Fesr 2014-2020'

Weekly Markets in Valdichiana Senese

Short guide to the weekly markets in the nine municipalities of Valdichiana Senese

When it comes to cooking, the choice of products makes the difference. It surely does.

The quality and origin of the food you choose for your dishes is a key element, especially if you are going to prepare high-quality and, at the same time, healthy food. The ideal would be to have a vegetable garden of one’s own, to be used to cultivate seasonal products, and, why not, also as a space to breed barnyard animals.

However, not everyone has such opportunity, not even in Valdichiana Senese.

That is why knowing where and when there are weekly markets in the area could be helpful. In every municipality, every week, there is a market where you can buy rigorously first-rate products.

That of the weekly markets is definitely an experience not to be missed, neither for locals, nor for foreigners. In addition to the products, each market is characterized by the popular atmosphere that, for the most part, has always distinguished Tuscany and its villages.

Where is the market today?

Here is the list of weekly markets in Valdichiana Senese, Pienza included.


Celle sul Rigo, hamlet of San Casciano dei Bagni: 1st Monday of every month
Chiusi Scalo: on Mondays


Acquaviva, hamlet of Montepulciano: 2nd Tuesday of every month
Chiusi, historical centre: on Tuesdays
Montefollonico, hamlet of Torrita di Siena: on Tuesdays, in the afternoon
Montepulciano Stazione, hamlet of Montepulciano: 4th Tuesday of every month
Sinalunga, historical centre: on Tuesdays


Chianciano Terme – Via della Pace and Via dello Stadio: on Wednesdays


Castelmuzio, hamlet of Trequanda: 3rd Thursday of every month
Montepulciano – Piazza P.Nenni: on Thursdays
Petroio, hamlet of Trequanda: 2nd Thursday of every month
Piazze, hamlet of Cetona: on Thursdays
San Casciano dei Bagni: 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month
Trequanda: 1st Thursday of every month


Sarteano – Piazzale Primo Morgantini: on Fridays
Torrita di Siena – historical centre: on Fridays


Bettolle, hamlet of Sinalunga: on Saturdays
Cetona – Piazza Garibaldi: on Saturdays
Montepulciano – Piazza Grande: 2nd Saturday of every month “Monthly Art and Antiques Market”
Montepulciano Stazione, hamlet of Montepulciano – Piazzale Europa: on Saturdays
S. Albino, hamlet of Montepulciano – Piazza dei Lillà: on Saturdays


Montepulciano – Piazza Grande: 2nd Sunday of every month “Monthly Art and Antiques Market”


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